Community Room
The Beach Haven Public Library has two Community Rooms available for meetings of an educational, cultural, or civic nature.
All meetings scheduled must be held during regular library hours. Meetings may begin no earlier than one hour after the Library’s posted opening time and must end no later than one hour before the Library’s posted closing time on the day of scheduling.
Library-sponsored activities shall have priority at all times. Other meetings will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Any question of interpretation will be referred to the Beach Haven Library Board of Trustees.
Use of the Community Room is free to local non-profit groups for events that would benefit the public. Examples include scout meetings, garden club meetings, etc. Groups may, if needed, restrict attendance to their own members.
Rooms are not available to for-profit enterprises or those that charge admission.
Rooms are not available for use by individuals or groups which are offering seminars in order to solicit customers or business for their organizations.
All booking requests need to be approved by the Beach Haven Library Board.
Sponsors shall assume all liability for personal injury or loss of personal property by any member of the group or organization. A certificate of liability insurance coverage must be furnished prior to using the room. Sponsors are responsible for any damage to library property. At the conclusion of the meeting, the room must be left clean and in order.
Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises are prohibited.
The library will not provide public relations materials for any group or organization unless it is a librarysponsored program. The name and address of the library may not be used as the official address or headquarters for any group or organization. The library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoints of meetings or meeting room users.